The first thing he said was "Where is my Buzz Shooter Thingy?"
Don't worry, she was sleeping in between us after she ate at 7:00 for about a half hour, and we were packing up on the same bed below, watching her closely :)
Sleeping a Cinderella nightgown :)
Friday morning we packed up as much as we could, headed to the pool for a final swim, came back and got dressed, checked out, and headed home...
We had an absolute ball. It was everything we hoped and MORE!! The kids were great, considering they are preschoolers who nap and were on sensory overload from Sunday morning on! Emory was the Best Baby Ever and had a blast, herself, I'm pretty sure. Everyone did a fantastic job sleeping in the same room, and we just can hardly believe what an amazing trip we had. We are so glad we came back on Friday, because it gave us all weekend to recover! We are already looking forward to going again..but this time with no strollers or naps needed! Okay, maybe just no strollers ;)
(from It's A Small World)