Thursday, November 12, 2009

Liam, lately...

He is a sweetheart. A colicky sweetheart, but a sweetheart nonetheless. :) I think he's going to be a big strong teddy bear of a guy. Love that kid!! He's very content and aware when he's happy, and he's just an absolute doll. Just yesterday, I got to see his sweet smile for the first time (that wasn't cranking out gas)...melt worthy! Look out ladies!!

We're looking forward to a little relief from the colic, but it's worth it to have this wonderful little guy in our life. We have bestowed an acronym for his name for the duration of the colic period: Li A M = Litte A-hole Man. Don't worry, we don't actually say the A word. But if you hear our eldest saying A-hole, that's why :) tee hee.

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