Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Times.

 Blankets and breakfast on the couch!

 Sweet Boy.
Peanut Butter Monster!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I won't leave this post up permanently, but just a quick "sorry" for the "out-of-order-ness" of the posts.  We had a great infusion of my parents pictures, so some of the posts are from 2009.  Hard to believe Charlotte was that small and young~ yeah, I know I'm saying that about a girl who isn't quite three...

Looking back through these pictures, I just am in awe of how amazing my family is and how much I love them!  I'm so glad they are all big enough to squeeze, so I can try and hug them hard enough to show what they mean to me..but if that were accurate I would probably crush them all.

Okay, I think this post included an apology and a weird thought process, so I'll end there.  Also, I'm going to try to keep up a little better.  Summer vacation pics combined with getting access to the pictures we'd taken on the phone and the McGraw camera made for a lot of pictures to upload and I got a little overwhelmed.  Hopefully I can  do a bi-monthly or something from here on out.  Alrighty, Enjoy!!

Halloween 2010!

 Sweet Friends.
 Well, she looks good as a redhead, too.
Most of our neighborhood kids!! :) Such a sweet group!

Pumpkin Patch!!

 This was before a pig tried to bite two of his fingers off.  (there was a warning sign, it just didn't include how fast the pigs were).
 Family pic on the hayride!
 Ah. My Guys.
 "And we are girls."  Something Charlotte says daily about the two of us.
 Good times in the bounce house.  In our family, if an event also has a bounce house, it gets extra "coo" points.
 Liam riding the "Pony"  aka a regular mare.
Charlotte wasn't feeling great this day, but she was a trooper. (as you can tell in the pictures)..and even though she loves carousels, she almost didn't want to ride.  She saw Liam do it, and that sealed the deal. So glad you went for it, baby girl!!

Matthews Festival!

 Down she goes!!


A wheel for each of them..thank goodness they are on a guided track! :)

At least we know she'll be concentrating when she gets her license.

Elkin Park!

Two swing lovers!

 She played on this forever..and fairly wildly, too. It was awesome.

 Um, okay, I guess I will hold my arms out, scoop you up and hug you!

Some rowdy children were there with Charlotte and Liam. No playground equipment was harmed in the making of this shot.

Water Activities at Nana and Poppy's

 Everybody stand up!
 Go Flounder! Go Sebastian!
 You can get a bottle anywhere in this family!
 What!? Everyone is happy and playing together!?!
Looking adoringly at her..as usual.  Her #1 fan.

Downtown Charlotte

We found this fountain/park during our "train trip" day.  If you can't strip down and have fun when you're two, when can you? okay, don't answer that ;)

Christmas Tree 2009

 Helping Daddy.
 Rejecting Santa.
Freezing our noses off while Liam sits by a fire!

Stallings Park!

 Yee Haw, Man!
 Infant Liam at the park.
Climbing with Great Uncle Eddie and Poppy!