Thursday, November 4, 2010


I won't leave this post up permanently, but just a quick "sorry" for the "out-of-order-ness" of the posts.  We had a great infusion of my parents pictures, so some of the posts are from 2009.  Hard to believe Charlotte was that small and young~ yeah, I know I'm saying that about a girl who isn't quite three...

Looking back through these pictures, I just am in awe of how amazing my family is and how much I love them!  I'm so glad they are all big enough to squeeze, so I can try and hug them hard enough to show what they mean to me..but if that were accurate I would probably crush them all.

Okay, I think this post included an apology and a weird thought process, so I'll end there.  Also, I'm going to try to keep up a little better.  Summer vacation pics combined with getting access to the pictures we'd taken on the phone and the McGraw camera made for a lot of pictures to upload and I got a little overwhelmed.  Hopefully I can  do a bi-monthly or something from here on out.  Alrighty, Enjoy!!

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